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1.dreadful adj.可怕的, 令人畏惧的


1) vt.害怕, 恐惧; 担心

We all dread to think what will happen if the company closes.

The little boy dreads going to bed in the dark.

2) n.恐惧, 畏惧;令人恐惧的事物

The glacial age was the dread of all animals.

2. handicap

1) n. 障碍;

academic handicap 学习障碍

language handicap 语言障碍

physical handicap 生理缺陷; 残废

mentality handicap 心理缺陷

2) vt.妨碍; 使不利

His lack of English handicaps him.

The bad weather severely handicapped their performance in the race.

handicapped adj.残疾的;弱智的

3. glow (a glowing period 辉煌时期)

1) vi.燃烧; 发炽热; 烧红;脸红

A cigarette glowed in the dark.

His cheeks glowed after the race.

glow with pride 得意扬扬

2) n.光亮, 光辉;脸红,强烈的感情

He felt a glow of satisfaction at his achievements.

the glow of happiness幸福的喜悦

after glow 余辉

glow watch 夜光表

the evening glow 晚霞

4. unparalleled adj.无比的, 无双的, 空前的

同义词matchless, unequalled, unsurpassed

an unparalleled victory 空前的胜利

词根:parallel adj. and vt.

1) adj. 平行的; 类似的; 相对应的

These two roads are parallel.

The growth of the two towns was almost parallel.

2) vt.与…平行; 与…相当

The street parallels the railway.

No one has paralleled his success in business.

5. prosperous adj.成功的, 繁荣的, 兴旺的

a prosperous year 兴旺的一年

a prosperous business 兴旺的事业

prosperous leaves 茂盛的树叶

prosper vi.成功; 兴旺

Everything he touches will prosper.

prosperity n.幸运; 顺利;兴旺, 繁荣

Peace brings prosperity

business prosperity 经济繁荣

Prosperity makes friends, adversity tries them.







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